By its nature corruption can be difficult to detect as it usually involves two or more people entering into a secret agreement. The agreement can be to pay a financial inducement to a public official for securing favour of some description in return.
Nigeria's government, police, civil services, and businesses are plagued by extortion, bribery, and other forms of corruption. While many point to a failure of leadership, corruption is largely a byproduct of an economy fueled almost exclusively by petroleum exports. With no vested interest in developing Nigeria's infrastructure and manufacturing sectors, the wealthy simply profit from oil while the nation falls ever deeper into economic chaos.The war against corrupt practices in Nigeria is like a war against Terrorism in the world. A lot of people have held their views on the present scourge of fighting the antics of corruption. Where some are fully in support others are against it. The fact remains, no meaningful society can grow amidst the monster called corruption. As Nigerians, we have been yarning for an economy that will savage our problems. The journey of curbing corruption will not attain its status quo over night.In a speech delivered by Mrs. Dorothy C. Chukwumah (C.S.N.) 28th march 2005 in warri township stadium Titled BRIBERY AS A MONSTER, certain pertinent issues were raised.
The topic (Bribery as a Monster) was appropriate because it related directly to the happenings and circumstances of our present day Nigeria.
What is then Bribery? Bribery is the act of giving, promising to give, inducing or influencing one with gifts, financial or otherwise with an aim of obtaining a favour most times undeservedly.
What is a Monster? A Monster is any imaginary, frightening creature, especially one which is large and strange.
From the above definitions, it follows that bribery which is always based on false promises and hopes invariably gives birth to very strange and ugly children or off springs that grow up to attack and destroy their parents. This in itself is not even natural.
Bribery is a Monster – in relationship to our economy:
Bribery destroys our economy as it gives back far less value for goods and
Intended services. Bribery destroys our economic well-being, makes the people poorer than they ought to be as it leads to undue inflation, thus lowering the standard of living of the populace. Bribery leads to capital flight and economic strangulation, thus eating deep and destroying the very foundation of the society. Do not give and do not accept bribe, because by so doing, you are infact giving a monster or accepting a monster into your home and into your business.
Bribery is a Monster – in relation to our Educational System:
Bribery in our educational system has given birth to the monster called “Expo” and other examination malpractices, which are presently destroying our value of education and making nonsense of our certificates. Bribery in our institution of learning, be it primary, secondary or tertiary will not produce the best brains in our society. Bribery would not produce graduates who would stand tall among equals and who would go on to make tangible and lasting contributions to the advancement of humanity. Do not give and do not accept bribe, because by so doing you are infact introducing virus into your Personal Computer (PC) and in no time, you would destroy and ruin your computer.
The war against bribery and corruption should not been see as a war of ethnicity. Viewing it as ethnic politics is tempting our nascent democracy trying to blow up the polity of the nation.